Jacob: I promise not to hurt you Bella. And this is me keeping the promise.
Dunno why, those are two lines from Twilight that I remeber the most. I watch it only once, and automatically I remembered. The next time I watch the movie, I can say it out right.
Dunno why, ayat Jacob tu menusuk kalbu ak betul. It's the most beautiful line I've ever heard.
Nothing else that a woman really ask from a man, than for him to keep his word. When a man once said "I love you" to a woman, she will hold to that word so tight, thou it never repeated, she believe the feeling last forever, because....its his word.
Tapi tak ramai lelaki yang tau pasal fakta ni. So what they did is just simply throwing out those beautiful words like "I love you", "I'll never leave you", "My love for you will never fade away" like sesuka kuarkan air liur kan. Maklumla air liur tu free. Tak ramai yang boleh jaga promise dia macam Jacob.
Masalahnye, kita tau ke kalau orang tu sedang kotakan janjinye? Like in Jacob's case, he's fulfilling his words in a way so discreet that won't be understandable by anyone in Bella's shoes. Kalau ak jadi bella pon ak xleh terima. Tetiba je kene dump, apakah??
Ak tak rela. I need explaination. If you love me, show me that you do. Ak x faham de kalau ko sayang ak senyap2 camni... Ak fikir 1 je..ko senyap maknanye ko berubah hati, full stop!